The hit list movie cast
The hit list movie cast

the hit list movie cast

We have every staple of the thriller/noir TVM – soft porn, jazz music, unimaginative direction – it's all here. Overall this is so very predictable and clichéd that it really fails to inspire even a little bit of interest. Ornston as Detective Nic Vetter Ginny Weirick as Sydney Campbell Sean Cook as Brian Felzner Brandon ONeill as Dom Estacado J.P. stream The Hit List Find out where to watch movies online now Home New Popular Watchlist. Drew Waters as Mike Dodd Sarah Ann Schultz as Jenny Rawlins Holt Boggs as Officer Turnkey David E. All about cinema: directors and actors, where to watch online, similar movies, rating, trailers, related news, stills. The only surprise was Coburn who I imagine has let stuff like this slip off his CV since he got his Oscar. Does Netflix, Quickflix, Stan, iTunes, etc. On top of the cliché ridden film we have an obvious bit of casting with Fahey and Butler (neither strangers to this tvm stuff). Nothing in the plot or film really manages to be different from any other TVM you'd see and it fails to engage simply for this reason. After that how else can they make it really stand out – well lets shoot it all in blues and shadow of TVM noir and have the usual jazz soundtrack to add `atmosphere' and `mood'. Imagine the planning meeting for this! `hey, lets make a thriller about a hitman who is ruthless, but really a good guy who is sensitive and listens to classical music', `yeah – and lets have him be kind but tough – and trying to get out of the business except this one last job'.

the hit list movie cast

When the wonderfully creative people in the TVM business sit down to really push the envelope on a project they really go for it. Affable hit man Melvin Smiley (Mark Wahlberg) is constantly being scammed by his cutthroat colleagues in the life-ending business. However when Pike completes the contract he falls for Jordan, a situation that leads him into a double crossing situation where deception leads to murder. Pike takes a job from Mahew to help out a family friend, the beautiful Jordan. A disgruntled man creates a hit list with a stranger during a drunken night out and must then race to try to save those he marked for extermination as. He kills on behalf of lawyer Peter Mahew who is part of a committee of lawyers who hand out their own version of justice. R 1 hr 30 min Apr 3rd, 2011 Action, Thriller. Charlie Pike is an ex-Government agent turned contract killer.

The hit list movie cast